Lignum Immigration Services Ltd.
BUSINESS & PROF. SERVICES - ImmigrationBUSINESS & PROF. SERVICES - Business ConsultingHR, EMPLOYMENT & STAFFING - Recruitment Services
Wed-Fri 9AM-4PM and on Saturdays 10 AM -2PM
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About Us
The name is derived from the Latin word for wood. The Lignum Vitae (wood of life) produces a beautiful flower and is native to regions of the world where immigrants originate. For centuries, the resin has been used to treat a wide range of ailments. Because immigration gives communities new life, the “wood of life” represents the hope that immigration brings to those who benefit directly as well as the communities into which they integrate.
Lignum Immigration Services Ltd. is based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We offer consulting services to hiring managers in Nova Scotia who are experiencing labour shortages in key industries such as hospitality and construction. Our program pathways include but are not limited to, the Provincial Nominee Programs, French Mobility, CUSMA, and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
Lignum Immigration Services Ltd. is a member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants and the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants. We are committed to providing a high-quality service with the highest standards of professionalism
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