NOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS - Not-For-Profit GroupsHEALTH CARE - Health Care Services, GeneralNOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS - Charitable Organizations
- 6331 Lady Hammond Rd Suite 200 Halifax NS B3K 2S2
- (902) 443-8141
- 1-888-566-5864
- (902) 445-2573
- Send Email
- lungnspei.ca
M-Th 8:00am-4:30pm
Fridays 8:00am-12:00pm
About Us
For over 100 years, LungNSPEI has been working to improve the lung health of Nova Scotians through advocacy, research, patient services, and education. This includes implementing comprehensive programs for children with asthma and adults struggling with obstructive sleep apnea. We provide support to patients with COPD, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, and people awaiting lung transplants. We have taken a leadership role in advocating to government on lung health issues and we provide programming and education around key lung health issues like radon and smoking cessation. Together, we are working to make Nova Scotia a healthier place to live and breathe.