Member Directory
Browse through our Member Directory to find local services for all your business needs. Some of our members offer exclusive member-to-member discounts available through our M2M Marketplace.
Please note: The Halifax Chamber does NOT sell or distribute our membership list. Please be aware of scammers offering to sell you the list.
O2GO Mobile Oxygen Lounge
Parties, weddings, tradeshows, oxygen bar, event service, entertainment, healthy, reduce stress, provides energy.Parties, weddings, tradeshows, oxygen bar, event service, entertainment, healthy, reduce stress, provides energy.
Office Interiors
Our Mission is to help you create a more productive work environment!Our Mission is to help you create a more productive work environment!
Opportunity Place - Nova Scotia Works
FREE employer and job seeker services and supports.FREE employer and job seeker services and supports.
Organize Anything
Life's messy.Your home & work life doesn't have to be.
Realize your full potential.
Build your business.
Declutter your mind. And your spaces.
Life's messy.
Your home & work life doesn't have to be.
Realize your full potential.
Build your business.
Declutter your mind. And your spaces.
Accelerate revenue growth with digital advertising and data. Outshine helps B2B clients engage the right audience, then track their performance through the funnel by unifying Analytics and CRM data.Accelerate revenue growth with digital advertising and data. Outshine helps B2B clients engage the right audience, then track their performance through the funnel by unifying Analytics and CRM data.
Over The Edge
Luxury Lake House perfect for a corporate retreat, forum meetings with spacious private areas for break out rooms and serene lake views while sitting by the pool.Luxury Lake House perfect for a corporate retreat, forum meetings with spacious private areas for break out rooms and serene lake views while sitting by the pool.
Oxford International Halifax
From January 2023 East Coast Language College and East Coast International College will be rebranded as Oxford International Halifax and Oxford International College Halifax respectively.From January 2023 East Coast Language College and East Coast International College will be rebranded as Oxford International Halifax and Oxford International College Halifax respectively.